Posted: August 22, 2023 | Word Count: 322
The U.S. is at a critical point for public health. Vaccines have demonstrated value in maintaining the health of individuals and communities and are among the most effective and cost-effective preventive health interventions available.[1][2][3] But, too often, adults miss the opportunity for vaccination, despite being increasingly susceptible to immune decline and infectious diseases, and at greater risk of chronic conditions.[4]
The good news is that the latest Vaccine Track data suggest immunization rates are slowly starting to increase towards pre-pandemic levels. It’s a welcome improvement, but we can’t stop now. It’s important for adults in the U.S. to continue to prioritize vaccination to stay ahead of vaccine-preventable diseases.
This August, in honor of National Immunization Awareness Month, GSK is reinforcing the importance of staying on top of routine vaccinations all year long. While certain vaccines such as flu are administered during the fall and winter months when there’s a higher incidence of disease, other vaccines can be given year-round. Check out the Adult Immunization Calendar below to understand which “non-seasonal” recommended vaccines you can — and should — receive at different points throughout the year to help protect yourself against vaccine-preventable diseases. Stop in at your local pharmacy or make an appointment with your healthcare provider to keep yourself protected.
[1] Whitney CG, et al., Benefits from Immunization during the Vaccines for Children Program Era — United States, 1994–2013. MMWR Weekly 2014;63(16);352–355.
[2] Dabestani NM, et al., A Review of the Cost-Effectiveness of Adult Influenza Vaccination and Other Preventive Services. Prev Med. 2019 Sep;126:105734.
[3] CDC. Ten Great Public Health Achievements—United States, 2001–2010 MMWR Weekly 2011:60(19);619–623.
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